"Chichidho was born with the aim of achieving a healthier, freer lifestyle and in harmony with nature. This is a place to develop the body, mind, spirit and intuition, accompanied by a unique and diverse community of people who share the same interests and values. Here you can experience magical and enriching moments that will allow you to grow and evolve."
Base camp
We have a new service center fully equipped and adapted con Private Parking, Kitchen, Grills, Toilets and Showers, Wifi coverage and access to our Natural Sanctuary with many trails.

With a camping area for approximately 80 people, we also have cabins to visit as a couple or family for groups of 2-4 and 6 in the cabins with a unique and magnificent view.
Access to the Reserve requires a reservation and advance payment, which through Senderos takes you to the Bouldering & Climbing Zones around the Monolith, having the possibility of admiring from the most natural and beautiful corners to the cave paintings and streams of the sanctuary. natural.
For the moment still We do not have food or beverage service to the public, by what common kitchen areas are available for your use, we recommend the purchase of food and any necessities on your way to Chichicho or prior to your departure since any option is a bit far away and for generally a bit limited.
Alcoholic Beverages ARE NOT ALLOWED!
Avoid the penalty of being denied access.


Community BBQ Area
& Fire Pit

bike rental

outdoor hot tub

Organic Farmhouse
My first time.... what do I do?Enter your answer here
How can I get to???The easiest direct way if you have a vehicle is following the indications to the parking lot as indicated by the map address: https://goo.gl/maps/zwi6AHri2HC2 If you come by truck on foot, ONLY FROM FRIDAY TO SUNDAY you can find access through the open town and walk to the service center, otherwise you will have to take a taxi with an approximate cost of $150. https://goo.gl/maps/k525j25N7a92
Do you rent tents or do I bring my own?Normally everyone brings their own equipment for their convenience, there are few tents (only the tent, nothing to sleep in) for rent directly at the reception.
Is the Way difficult?The road is constantly improving and almost the entire last part is already supported by a cement footprint for vehicular traffic. Any vehicle without problems in first gear and with caution has entered and exited space for the last 20 years.Following directions from google maps, you can easily reach our main parking lot. https://goo.gl/maps/zwi6AHri2HC2
How can I get there by public transport?If you are going from Querétaro, you have to take a bus to Bernal, the bus will leave you on the main avenue.Eye!!! You can make your reservation and access through the town of Bernal under notice (shorter) and walk to the service center, otherwise you will have to take a taxi with an approximate cost of $150-200 that you can take on the same main avenue Until 9 PM. Walking directions https://goo.gl/maps/k525j25N7a92
Process & Payment MethodsThrough this site you can generate reservations for camping and cabins. www.chichidho.com/reservas Due to the limited number of visitors (limited impact) we ask everyone to register themselves through our reservation site and to liquidate their reservation as a guarantee, for this reason we only ask to reserve in case of 100% security, since in case of any inability to not take your reservation, NO REFUNDS ARE GENERATED!
What to wear?Remember we don't have a store, you have to bring all your food and items for personal use, a head lamp or any type is essential for your stay, what is necessary for your food preparation, both in the kitchen and in the cabins you will find the basics ( plates and some cutlery) The space is a Nature Reserve so you have to come prepared with clothes and shoes for the mountains, possibility of some mosquitoes, some canes and bags for your garbage. We recommend power banks and personal lamps.
What can I do in Chichidho?Mainly camping, hiking, climbing and mountain sports developed on their own by visitors stand out. At the moment some activities are handled under advance reservationwww.chichidho.com/activities
Do you rent equipment?At the moment we have rent for: Double Crashpad $100 Triple Crashpad $150 Tent for 2 Pax $100
What can we buy there?Enter your answer here
What do I do with my Garbage inside Chichidho?Inside the kitchen area we have separators for recycling materials, CARDBOARD, PET, GLASS, CAN, ORGANIC & GARBAGE
PETSAccess to PETS represents a great responsibility in a medium like this... much more so with a growing number of visitors. Chichidho is a center within an area focused on environmental preservation, life proliferates and there are many.... Spiders, Scorpions, Wasps, Vipers of all kinds... especially rattlesnakes, skunks, raccoons and poisonous insects. Many risks for unfamiliar animals, wire and barbed lattices, ravines, thorns, wells among many others... Being aware of this, if you still want to visit us with your pet, some conditions and rules are necessary during your visit to this unique space. Unfortunately our pets represent a constant danger to all the small inhabitants of space, even if we don't see it, the vast majority of them are on the lookout or at play .......for this reason they are required to be on a collar and leash throughout your visit.Camping with a pet will be possible in the area designated for it only, avoiding disturbances during the night is the priority. Within this community there are several canine guardians who constantly protect us from dangerous animals and predators, we ask you to be considerate of them, always check the compatibility between pets to avoid confrontations. Access will be allowed under your full responsibility on it, cleaning its excrement and dirt, never leaving it tied up without anyone in charge... it comes to live with you...right???... much less releasing it without supervision without thinking about the inconvenience it may cause. If you have a problematic, adult or sick dog, we recommend you leave it at home with someone watching over it, since this is not the most suitable space for them due to the many risks that nature represents. As a contribution to the space, as a measure to avoid saturation in it and guarantee the comfort of our visitors, guests and the staff themselves, the following contributions have been set: Entrance access per exit--------$50 (per dog) Overnight access --------------$100 (per dog per night) These quotas have been made effective since November 17, 2017 and will be applied to all dogs that enter the place WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS. The payment will be requested together with an identification that will remain as a guarantee in case of any situation during the visit. At any time the eviction of the pet may be required if the administration considers that it affects the proper functioning of the place.
Alcoholic beveragesWe are only tolerant of low-alcohol drinks, this is because we seek to maintain a neutral environment for everyone.... we understand the pleasure of having a glass of wine or a beer, without excess or drunkenness.
Food.....Inside Chichidho... More than eventually only if it is indicated, THERE IS NO FOOD SALES SERVICE, but we put a large kitchen and several grills inside the space for your use!You only need to bring your food and within the space you will find practically everything you need!.... we are against DISPOSABLES... NOT DISPOSABLE!!!!Just like cleaning everything you use and leaving it where you found it or in its proper place. If you arrived unexpectedly and you don't have anything, there is a miscellany very close...https://goo.gl/maps/qpnKnsr5Jkwand another for the other side https://goo.gl/maps/gnCKN8A2HWt If not in the town of Bernal you can find liquors, fruits and vegetables, butchers, cheeses, ice and everything you may require for your stay.Remember to bring reusable bags, and if you don't ask to borrow some in our kitchen for your use.. :D
Fire, Firewood and Coal...."Within Chichidho we care about your safety and environmental pollution....for this reason it is only allowed to make bonfires in the 3 areas designated for it, we ask that you avoid burning garbage and plastics in its entirety.If you require firewood at reception you can request loads for the campfire for $100 Bonfire zone cutoff time 12pm
Safety and AccidentsEnter your answer here